Some daring mad-man debuted these blatant disregards for human health concerns at the grand State Fair of Texas. He didn't give away his exact recipe (beer battered dough, maybe?) but the method goes something like this:
- Prepare ravioli-like dough pockets.
- Inject ravioli-like dough pockets with beer. (or other alcohol, I guess)
- Deep-fry for around 20 seconds, until the ravioli-like dough pockets crisp and start to golden up nicely.
Mark Zable, deep-fried beer's inventor, told The Telegraph he spent three years perfecting the cooking method for these deep fried alcoholic treats, and while he currently uses Guinness, he is considering using different pale ales to widen his samples. (He better hurry, too, as Dallas News reports tons of copycat chefs popping up around the country.)
What does it taste like, besides the dreams of millions of immigrants and the blood of American soldiers? Zable says: "It tastes like you took a bite of hot pretzel dough and then took a drink of beer." But, instead of eating pretzel dough and then lifting up your heavy glass and moving your lips to drink beer, you can do it all in one swift and easy motion. It's like a hot pocket that will get you drunk!
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